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Things To Consider When Designing A New Kitchen
Designing new kitchens is a lot of hard work, but it can also be a lot of fun if you let it be. The thing that you must know is that there are many things to consider as you design a new kitchen.... Continue Reading


10110 Hidden Acres Road
Gravette, AR

(479) 752-3100
We can assist you with 3 edge profiles and 30 color choices.


2 out of 5 stars
By Sandy Martin from Eureka Springs, AR
Posted Sep 4, 2011

We built a house 4 and a half years ago and put in all Impervicote counters. We love them and get many compliments and requests about them. One issue we have is how to touch the paint up. Is there a touch up paint that we an use? These were spots left from glue - we got the glue off with lightly using finger nail polish, but it of course took some of the metal gray color off. We'd love to know how to touch it up and protect it further.

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