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Out With the Old and In With The New Kitchens
Out With the Old and In With the New Kitchens Everyone has heard the saying out with the old and in with the new, but you may not have considered that for your kitchen. When you have a kitchen... Continue Reading

Top Master

2844 Roe Lane
Kansas City, KS
Get Directions

(913) 492-3030
(913) 492-3096
Our preferred brands include corian, corian solid surfaces, dupont, dupont corian solid surfaces, dupont zodiaq quartz surfaces, silestone, silestone. and zodiaq. Our specialties include corian, granite, installer, installer of solid surface, kc's largest wholesale, kc's largest wholesale fabricator , marble, marble & granite, natural stone countertops, quartz, quartz and natural stone countertops , silestone, solid surface quartz and zodiaq. We can assist you with bathroom vanities, corian solid surfaces, delivery services, estimates, fabricator installer of solid surface quartz, and natural stone countertops , installation, kc's largest wholesale fabricator installer of solid surface, quartz, and natural stone countertops , kitchen countertops, marble granite, natural stone countertops, quartz surfaces, sales, sile stone, silestone, silestone., solid surface quartz, and and zodiaq. Kc's largest wholesale, fabricator installer of.


5 out of 5 stars
Posted Apr 7, 2015

TOP MASTER did a wonderful job installing my quartz countertop, such great professionalism! They were on time and worked well together.
2 out of 5 stars
By Kevin C. from Shawnee, KS
Posted Jan 7, 2015

Dissappointed in their service. Twice they cancelled on me during the process. They seem to be short handed – they cancel your appointment when their employees do not make it in. I wasted two vacation days and had the kitchen torn apart waiting for 4 days before installation finally occured. They seem disorganized and small. If I had it to do again I would consider others. Thanks

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