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From Our Blog:
Out With the Old and In With The New Kitchens
Out With the Old and In With the New Kitchens Everyone has heard the saying out with the old and in with the new, but you may not have considered that for your kitchen. When you have a kitchen... Continue Reading

Non Profit Remodeling General Contractors

2823 N 27th Street
Philadelphia, pa
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Free Estimates for Home Remodeling Total Rehabs, Water & Fire Damage, Kitchens & Bathrooms " We do it al!l" Call (267) 804-8613 or 1 877 904-8613 We give back to the community with our lower prices serving (Penna, S Jersey DE)


1 out of 5 stars
By Roy J from Philadelphia, pa
Posted Feb 24, 2018

Not to beat a dead horse but Alex Arrington is scum. He took money from me fraudulently and never produced the permit that was promised. It turns out that his license has been suspended due to you guessed it owing the city money... (or maybe due to some other fraudulent activity) and he is currently giving me the runaround on my refund. I am planning to sue him and at the very least put a lien out against his company. Do yourself a favor and avoid this scam artists like Alex Arrington - auajr4@gmail com- Right now Alex is robbing Peter to pay Paul. Don't end up on the wrong side of that equation!

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