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Living Your Dream With Fabulous Designs For New Kitchens
Have you ever found yourself envying the kitchens of your friends, or even those that you may see on television or movies? Well, if that is the case then you may want to take some of these ideas... Continue Reading

Providence Fine Living

16 E Main Street
Walla Walla, WA
Get Directions

(509) 529-8460
Our specialties include bake & cookware, bar & wine goods, brake & cookware, cook's tools & cutlery, cookbooks, cooks tools & cutlery, dinnerware, fine gifts, glass & steamware, glass & stemware, gourmet kitchen tools & accessories , tabletop & linens and tabletop & lines. We can assist you with bake & cookware, bar & wine goods, cook's tools & cutlery, dinnerware, fine gifts, glass & stemware, gourment kitchen tools & accessories , gourmet kitchen tools & accessories and tabletop & linens. Glass & steamware, tabletops & linens.


5 out of 5 stars
By Chuck B from Rocklin, CA
Posted Feb 6, 2013

Providence Fine Living is without a doubt the best Kitchen and Gourmet store I have seen. Though it is not large, the quality of what is sold and the selection of "fine living" items made it an wonderful place to shop Evind, the owner, is extremely knowledgable, an excellent source of information regarding the practical use of all of the items he sells as well as a wealth of information regarding the Walla Walla area including restaurants, wineries, and community activities. He is also a genuinely nice individual! Returning to California after six years up in the Tri-Cities was made more difficult due to my love for Walla Walla, Brasserie Four and Providence Fine Living!! I will continue to utilize this fine shop and gladly pay the shipping for the superior service and quality products.

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