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From Our Blog:
Ways To Afford A New Kitchen
If you are getting tired of your old kitchen and want to build a new one, but you just don’t feel that you have the money in the budget to do it- then you will probably want to learn more about how... Continue Reading

Kitchen Tune-Up

3510 Anderson Avenue Northeast
Minerva, OH
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(330) 862-3250
Our specialties include custom cabinetry, diamond hard catalyzed finish, re-facing, recondition, reface, replace, restorations and wood floor restoration. We can assist you with cabinet reconditioning, refacing and replacing also , diamond hard catalyzed finish, long wearing touch- up repair before finishing , most floors less than a day to complete , no mess, revolutionary new system , re-facing, custom cabinetry, remodeling your expectations, remodeling your expectations., restore or replace. and wood floor restoration without sanding!. Customer satisfaction-our #1 priority, each franchies independently owned and operated.. We've been in business since 1988.


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