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Turek's Plumbing Inc

N2808 Meade Street
Appleton, WI
Get Directions

(920) 731-0462
(920) 731-9742
Our specialties include 1-year labor warranties, bath upgrade, complete coordination from start to finish , dsc, free 1 year repair warranty, mp 221955, phcc, plumbing- heating- cooling contractors , remodeling analysis, sold & serviced and up front pricing. Dsc. We accept mastercard and visa for payment. Our preferred brands include best, dsc and takagi. We can assist you with 24 hour emergency service, construction, consultations, estimates, home improvements, remodeling, renovations, restoration, sewer repair & replacement, sold & serviced, water heaters and your plumbing hotline. We do not offer emergency service. We've been in business since 1981. Open for business 24 hours emergency service.


1 out of 5 stars
By Not Happy from Appleton, WI
Posted Aug 13, 2010

Poor workmanship

Had Tureks install a faux marble shower pan and walls. Back wall is loose only 6 months later. The back panel had to be cut to fit, but the cuts are not straight and look very bad. Caulk is also poorly done and needs to be replaced at only the 6 month mark.

Was also told how the corners would be installed and finished. This was also not done the way I was told. Basically the marble panels were not fit into a corner. The back panel was not cut to fit the width of the wall but was cut larger and extended into the 2x4 structure of the house walls. Was told and expected the marble panels would be cut to fit the corners much like any corner would be finished in a house.

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